Ok, Google!

What fun we had today! Jamie and Theresa are gadget junkies and secretly bought us a Google Home hub to help us with our lives! Wonderful! We ask it to give us an alarm or a timer or the temperature in Largs or to tell us a joke or if it's sad or happy or what films are showing in Barcelona tonight and where and what time or when we are leaving the house (fare thee well, she said) or coming back in (great to have you here again, she said) or to play Scotland the Brave sung by Kenneth MacKellar or how best to get to Valencia (X train number leaving at Y time from Z station with a journey time of A hours and a walking time of B minutes from our house to the station) and she does it all in a fraction of a second! There seems nothing artificial about this intelligence and we are captivated by our new found friend! Thanks, J&T!

Rarely do we get to sit down for breakfast as our guests do . . . it was very nice!

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