Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Pigs in a fountain... or at least sculptured pigs. :) I really like this fountain. I rarely passes it, wrong side of town for me. But today I had an appointment to get a new ID card so I went by it on my way. I was measured, still the same hight as before, and photographed and will be standing in a queue to receive my ID card in 1-2 weeks. The queue was outside, so I'm happy I did this now and not during wintertime! 
I found a tired butterfly in my greenhouse this evening. It sat on my hand for a little while, while I tried to offer it some honey water... but no... it fluttered back to the greenhouse wall and sits there still, I think. 
I had to read some information about butterflies, now that I have them in my greenhouses... They have 4 stages in their life circle, and it's the last one now I'm a bit worried about... After passing the larvae and cocoon stage and becoming a butterfly it mates again and the female lays eggs on a leaf. These eggs - if it's close to autumn, doesn't become larvae. They stay in the egg-stage until springtime. And, grown butterflies can stay alive in a 'sleeping stage' during wintertime. So, I now have eggs and cocoons and perhaps even grown butterflies to take care of until spring... I think I'll have to ask someone who knows how to best take care of them. We have a biology museum in Uppsala, called Biotopia, I'll ask them. 
I'm also planning my small patio garden after butterflies next summer. I've decided to plant a larger butterfly garden with specially selected plants for them. I've emailed a shop that sells 'butterfly mixes' of seeds. Hopefully they can advice me. :) 

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