Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Lots of new places to sit on, in town. And not just ordinary seats either, different shapes and sizes. Not the most pleasing o the eyes, but I guess you'll get used to it. 
I saw this on my way from the gym (yes, wow...the gym again!) to the bus and I had to stop, stare, and take a blip. 
It was nice to be back at the gym again.. I just did an upper body workout, took me almost an hour, but at least I went. :) It's been almost a month since the last time, so it was good to start again. I feel soar already and will have a hell of a muscle ace tomorrow, I think... But, that's ok. :)
I saw 'my' butterfly this morning and I didn't open the large greenhouse fully, to preserve some of the warmth, but it had hidden itself pretty well when I got home, so I didn't see it. I don't mind at all. It's welcome to stay if it wants to.

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