
By atoll

Waiter, There's a Hare in my Pie

I had visited one of my sites today, expecting to bump into Eddie the Builder, but he was not around when I got there. The advantage to that though was that I could freely give the Site Foreman John (left) and general builder Gary (right) an Architects Instruction to pose for my blip. Not exactly the sprit of true street photography, in that what choice did they really have? None, as it happens. Theirs was a formal site instruction, issued under contract. Let's hope then there are no extras or extensions of time claimed for by a canny Eddie.

Not expecting a nice portrait of these two characters, my auxiliary fall-back today was to be a repeat of my Jugged Hare from Monday, as supplied by the same Eddie - but this time in his (literally) moonlighting role as nocturnal poacher-turned-gamekeeper.

On that note then, I am happy to report, the hare has now been slow-braised twice for hours after first de-boning and adding streaky bacon lardons and (most recently), a Tawny Port gravy top-up. All that remains now is for a short crust pie lid to go on top tonight before a final oven blast. I hate to blow my own trumpet, but......!

Martin and Angela are calling in tonight again, on their long drive back to Bristol from Bolton. Martins mum is quite ill, and it is his birthday this weekend as well, so we thought a hearty meal would be just the tonic needed. The menu then is Pie of Jugged Hare, mash, peas and gravy (I will doubtless have to fight MrsB from putting chilli in it though - she is incorrigible when it comes to her favoured spice).

As a finishing touch, we will cut a Hare motif out of pastry to sit on the top - along the lines of the wonderful Bath Ales hare logo. Happily, I have sourced a couple of bottles of their 'Gem' ale to wash it all down. The pie is in 'homage' to the best pie 'n' mash shop ever called Pieminister at St Nicholas Market in Bristol (though it is a franchise with outlets all over).

Postscript #1: pastry lid and hare motif on and ready to bake here

Postscript #2: Thanks to MrJohn for reminding me what the menu description Hare Pie might be confused for!

Postscript #3: Martin is finally just about to tuck in to his birthday pie here.

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