What a morning

The air was fresh and cool, so easy to breath after the long hot period. The sky didn't stay this bright for long though. There were darker clouds and a couple of times I noticed a raindrop, but it didn't rain, so I continued the barley harvest. Got two loads from about 4.5 hectares. Not as good as Saturday, but these were smaller fields and I didn't expect them to be as good. Also more shady corners with more green which together with the rainy Sunday made the moisture much higher. Dried the first batch and left another for the next day.

As a large part of the barley was harvested as whole crop silage, there was less to harvest with the combine, and now only one small barley field is left. It was sown later, so it's not quite ready yet. I think I'll harvest the oats next, but if the weather stays like this, I'll let it also ripen a little more.

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