
By CalSillyFace

A Prologue from the Department of Cliche

I've been inspired by my dear cousin Chris to start Blipping; And so, armed with my trusty new camera and a palpable sense of ignorance about how to take a half-decent photo, I set out today to find a decent image. This is my favourity of the photos I managed to take, and is my addition to the global compendium of photos of train tracks; hoping you all forgive the cliche, and the minor touching-up of the original image.

My real reason for blipping is in fact my imminent move to Kigali, Rwanda, and I hope that this journal will act as a means of keeping contact with home as well as as a visual record of the next six months (and more, as I understand the blip habit is a difficult one to break). Hopefully my image-capturing prowess will improve as time goes on!

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