
By Ashleyn15g

I am your father?

We went to the specialist today. They are super impressed with my sugar levels. I feel so proud. I haven’t touched sugar now for nearly a month and have been eating super healthy.

They did a full ultrasound on Ella. Lucky Juaquin got to see the whole thing, but they had the screen at an angle I couldn’t see. Afterwards, Juaquin was laughing, because the nurse would say, there’s the nose, but he said he sure couldn’t see it.

The doctor came in and said that Ella looks fantastic. She’s growing perfectly, and they’re going to allow me to go to 40 weeks even with gestational diabetes. I couldn’t be more thrilled. Right now, she’s at around 5lb 14oz.

As we were leaving the nurse said she’d send us some of the pictures from the scan shortly. We were both excited to see them.. until we got them. We couldn’t make out the other one at all, but this one sure does look like Darth Vader. We laughed so hard!

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