'Sharon Stone' lookalike

This evening Helga came round to cut & colour Ann's hair. Ann wanted to be cloned into a 'Sharon Stone' lookalike?!! What do you think?! No rude comments about Ann not looking as good as Sharon Stone thank you very much! She is my owner after all and I'm a very loyal little collie dog!

I really like Helga but do you know what happened? ...............................She stood on me twice?!! (Well, Ann & Helga had turned the kitchen into a hairdressing salon and they'd put the hairdressing chair where I normally lie.) I didn't make a fuss though because Ann had already told me that I had to go into my bed to watch what was happening and I'd disobeyed her.

Also; I know I got 'extra's' yesterday, but my afternoon walk was only about 40 mins today and that's nowhere near long enough for an energetic little collie like me?!

.......................And all because Ann wanted her hair done!!!

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