Glad We Did

More ticks on the list, but got distracted a few times, in a good way. Took all our recycling into town, but ended up looking round the house Ana Bravo is doing up now, for guests. It's the house where her mother was born, in 1927, and a typical Mouranense Tardis house, small on the outside, endless on the inside. She has such good taste, it will be wonderful when it's finished.

And then a quick glass of wine in the Adega, where we ended up talking for so long that the morning was gone. Worth it.

Spent most of the afternoon cleaning the car, which was filthy. But also booked a night in Figueira da Foz for before the conference we have to go to next week. And Mike carried on sorting the other room.

And then, though we felt too tired to bother, went over to the other side to try out the beach bar that Tiago has taken over. The sun a hazy red ball lighting up the whole Lake (could have screamed with frustration when I saw this heron on a rock and didn't have my zoom lens). And then, imagine being surrounded with the colour of cantaloupe, nine o'clock at night, and it's 29°C, a couple are swimming, and you're sitting, eating prego na tábua (a sort of deconstructed steak sandwich), the lights of Mourão across the water, the new moon coming up, and stars sprinkling all over the sky.

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