Demolition Day

Today ian, with my labouring help,
demolished the stable in the chicken field. There were a couple of disasters.

The first was when Ian was taking a crowbar to a side panel on the inside to loosen it. I was removing felting from a roof panel when I saw the whole stable caving in. I yelled and quickly ian ran out only to trip over and have part of the roof land on him. I was able to lift it off and fortunately he only suffered scrapes and bruises, although his ribs are aching now. It could have been much nastier and everything happened so quickly. It made us think what an awful outcome this could have been.

The second disaster is far more upsetting. We hadn't realised that little Sylvie, our beautiful hen that I recently blipped, was in the stable area, as we thought we had chased all the chickens away.
She had been caught under the crashing roof and sadly did not survive. I think it was instant and hopefully she did not suffer. I am very sad as she was one of two babies that were hatched here last year. Recently her mum died and she was quite a loner. She liked Goldie cockeral and spent time with him in the stable. He must be wondering where they both have gone.

We have resited the electric fence and now the chickens and ducks have a bit less space and we have more garden to look after. They are still in a large area with lots of trees but it will be less work for me now there is no stable to clean out.

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