
By CleanSteve

Liz's brand new workshop

I visited John and Liz today to have a look at John's presentation which will from part of the Preservation Trust's exhibition next week. It was great to see it finished and when wearing the 3d glasses, the sixteen stereoscopic images looked amazing, some of them magnified by up to x340!

We came up with some last minute fine tuning to the visitor experience which I think will be useful. I then went from John's workshop in the old barn just below the house perched on the side of the Painswick valley, to visit Liz. She is super excited about her new shed, which was erected a couple of days ago. It now needs urgent preservative treatment and then painting both inside and out, which I have agreed to help them with.

Liz was worried that the shed will obscure their views and be a 'big' presence in the top garden, but I tried to reassure her that it will blend in beautifully in a short time. But more importantly it will provide her with a magnificent new workshop space, overcoming all the limitations of working from a lovely home, but in rather dark and cramped spaces, which the family need to use as well.

There was a light drizzle falling as I went out to take a picture. I had to clamber to the back of a garden flower bed to get a wide enough viewpoint, and while I did so the robin decided he wanted to be in the picture too, as he alighted on the garden bench seat. You can see the textile artwork that Liz produces and teaches on her website.

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