Wedding Cake

This is the wedding cake I've been working on for the last few days. It's kept me really busy, but it's finally finished and ready for collection. I hope they like it and it reaches its final destination in one piece now!

This is what I've been doing today, finishing decorating this cake. In the process of doing that, I managed to break three roses. In these situations the best thing is to keep calm and try to figure out a way to sort it out. I put calming music on, relaxed, thought about it... and finally managed to find a solution to the problem. Fixing and hiding things in a creative way is another essential skill for cake decorating... and patience, of course!

Glad it's finished! I took many pictures of the cake, so it was a difficult decision, but I finally settled for this one.

I was feeling better this morning but I woke up with a stubborn headache. Never mind...

Need to get ready now..

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday. Sorry I haven't been commenting much but I've been busy with the cake. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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