A class act.

I saw an article in the local paper a few days ago, advertising a Camera Club starting today in Nolton Church Hall. I decided to give it a go, but what I didn't realize was, it was for people with Mental Health Issues. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that, but I did feel a bit out of place. The guy who was taking the class, is a freelance photographer, who I have seen many times around the area, and he was really good. We went outside the small yard, and had to take photographs of different things, such as, something red, something plastic,and so on. This was my attempt at something red, until  a lady asked if she could take a photo of  my red shoes (why didn't I think of that?)It was an interesting hour for sure, and at the end of the class I was asked if I would like to volunteer. I will have to think about that. 

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