Blinded by the light..........

A busy morning cleaning and washing, just the usual house wifey stuff. After lunch we went to Currys to buy our yearly McAfee antivirus security. Simple so far, but whenever we go into an electrical store J has to look at all the latest gadgets. We were only looking at the laptops, when an assistant asked us if we wanted any help. like they do.We said we were only looking, although we did want to ask a few questions about one of the laptops that J thinks I want for my birthday on Sunday. I don't by the way, but to be fair the guy was very informative, and when I do buy another laptop I would definitely go to him. I had a quick look at the washing machines, but J lost interest very fast and went out to wait in the car which was just as well as I wanted to take a photo and he wouldn't have been happy about that. 

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