I don't know what happened to the weather today, it was forecast to be sunny this afternoon  so I decided to cycle to work and when I left home the sky was clearing and it was quite warm.  However, when I got to Hove it was really grey and looked like rain and it's stayed that way all day - at lunch time I walked down to the beach and it felt quite chilly!

On my cycle home, I'd just got onto the cycle path by Hove Lawns when a guy asked if I was Karen - it turns out it was David, a fellow photographer from the Brighton Skies group, and he said he recognised Betsy!  It was nice to meet him as we're Facebook friends through the group but have never actually met so we had a chat before we went our separate ways.  

As I was cycling along Madeira Drive, the Volks electric train was just setting off from the station.  It's the World's oldest operating electric railway  and dates back to 1883.  It runs from Black Rock, near the marina to just before the Palace Pier and is supported by a group of people under the banner of Volks Electric Railway Association, otherwise known as VERA.  Anyway, I raced ahead of it on Betsy and stopped at the side of the track so I could get some shots of it as it chugged past.

When I got home Alan was cutting the hedge so I had 20 minutes in the hot tub before doing the dinner.  He's now gone to his shooting club and I have the TV remote to myself for a change so I can watch catch up TV.

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