AT165 - Texture

Down at the Wetlands, Abe and I spotted a Yellow-billed Spoonbill (try saying that quickly several times!). It was minding its own business a little way upstream. A couple of large kangaroos hopped past on the other side of the creek. Fortunately I had Abe on lead and he hasn't quite worked out what the deal is with water yet, so we were safe from him chasing after them.

I finished work at 10:30 today, had a lovely chat with the owner of our local bookstore (and got Little Miss a book reviewing gig to boot - she's reading a new release and then has to give the shop owner her honest view of the book), played with Abe, photographed this little dandelion seed, had my hair cut, went to get Little Miss from school, made Abe some food for the next couple of weeks, took Abe up to the Wetlands for a play and then came home.

I do seem to fit quite a bit into my afternoons off ...

So, texture? Well, there wasn't a whole lot in this shot, so I added some. I know that's technically cheating, but there you have it!


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