"If It Is Just Us ........

....... it seems like an awful waste of space."

My first favourite "obscure" film may not be all that obscure. It was a big budget film with name stars. But it was not a huge success. In the spirit of "art" films, it dealt with huge religious, philosophical, political, ecological, social and spiritual issues in an intelligent and articulate way. Not surprising since it was written by one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century; an atheist who, none the less, gives some powerful dialogue to the religious protagonist. For example ........

"Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology? We shop at home, we surf the Web... at the same time, we feel emptier, lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history..."

 Can you identify the film?


Now it's been identified, let me share my favourite scene. Jodi Foster's passion in this scene is so real; and it is real, because she helped to fund S.E.T.I. in real life. Love her.

Science fiction, huh?

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