A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Upside down

This is the view, as the blood rushed to my head, when I was hanging around at a 45 degree angle on our inversion table. We do this sometimes ...stretches the back out, and as both of us are really suffering with neck and upper back pain at the moment, this helps! Its interesting watching tv when you are on this thing...Close Encounters was quite bizarre whilst inverted.

Been spending money - have booked all of our flights for the summer. Although it was a damn sight more expensive coming back than going (bloody exchange rate). But thats done....so summer holidays here we come.

I also intended to spend money in town today, but a certain well known, major photography store had the laziest idiot of an assistant on duty, who was unhelpful as can be. I had researched online, found a Macro lens I wanted, a flashgun and 2 particular filters...conversation went like this...

Me (with my list in my hand) - "I would like this particular lens - do you have it?"

Numpty assistant - "I don't think so"

Me "It says online that you do"

N.A "I don't think so"

Me "Are you sure? Or do you want to go and check"

N.A "No. I don't think we have it"

Me "OK - what about this particular flashgun (shop's own brand) which is on offer - according to your online info, you have it in stock"

N.A. "No, we don't have any of those"

Me (getting p***ed off) "OK, we'll try something easy - I want two filters - 58mm ones. A HOYA IR filter and a shops own brand circular polariser"

N.A. (actually moves at this point) "Oh, yeah - filters are just here" (about 3 steps from where he is stood). "What was it you wanted?"

I tell him again.

N.A. "No IR filters. We have polarisers though. What size? (I tell him again) Do you want circular or linear? (I tell him again). What size was it - 58? (I restrain myself from going behind the counter and getting the damn thing myself) Oh, the 58 is right at the back of the rack!"

I think numpty assistant wanted me to so "Oh don't worry - if its too much trouble I'll just go away". Instead I said "Well, take all the other one's OFF the rack, get the one I want, and put the other ones back on. Simple"

He scowled at me.

Daft thing is, the lazy git lost that particular store about £400 in sales today - and just out of sheer bloody minded-ness, I won't purchase from their online store either.... I'll go somewhere else.

On top of that, Chav kids everywhere, and EMO's. Chav kids on the train nearly got a good ticking off, but I thought better of it seeing as James was with me!

James has gone to a sleepover at his friend's house. We are feeling slightly lost without him - first time since September that he hasn't slept here on a Saturday night.

Off to have more of that Chianti!

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