
By fitzbilly

Brick Wall

As in up against one.

Have spent much of the last week on the phone to various agencies - Solihull Mental Health, Social Services, AgeUK, Alzheimer's Society, Admiral Nurses ... trying to decide what to do about the father-in-law and his medication. We haven't got very far but have come to the conclusion that the time has come to organise a daily carer visit.

I was optimistic he would get used to the idea of taking 2 tablets, but I was wrong. We've been up to see him today and took away his 'new' bedtime tablet and left him with his original after lunch one. In the last week he should have taken 7 of each, but he appears to have taken just 3 of the new one, and 12 of the original one. Oh well.

I got a bit carried away with the blip. I discovered I could do multiple exposures with my camera so took two shots of our wall this morning before we set off, hoping to get some nice interleaving textures. It was rubbish, so I turned it into this stained glass effect which I like. Looks better viewed large.

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