
By HarrythePotter

Caught Red Clawed!!

The game was up, Kiwi had masterminded the whole operation having realised his purpose was to bring the evil Chatty and easily led Blip Bear to justice. He had finally managed to persuade one of the innocent blippers to help with the sting.

Years ago Blip Bear began his globe trotting journey's without a care in the world then he met the greedy mayor of Potters bar, Councillor Lee Chitall-Away and his sidekick Chatty. They managed to involve Blip Bear in various worldwide money making scams, always moving on to another innocent friend just as the trail was getting close.

After a while they needed a third associate who wouldn't 'take off,' with the proceeds and seldom spoke to anyone, Kiwi was the obvious choice.

Although Kiwi was often shy and retiring he noted all the details, the hiding place for all the cash and the fact that really, Blip Bear was being used as cover.

"The big day has finally arrived," thought Chatty, we've got back to where we've buried all the money and we're with someone who has tools to dig with and a van to transport the loot.

"The big day has finally arrived," thought Kiwi, we're with someone who will be able to take the final incriminating photo and who can speak to the local police and get them here in time.

"The big day has finally arrived," thought Blip Bear, I can at last do a bit of digging under the bushes without someone wanting to take a photo of me........

After being arrested, charged and having had their passports seized the three friends were released on bail with a requirement to go to Southampton on Monday 27th August.

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