what do you expect?

It is Bank Holiday Saturday.

Anniemay wakes up with a headful of plans for the day.  I do too - but they don't quite coincide.  I had a new diddly bit for the guitar racing around my head, over and over.  I leapt out of bed and spent about 20 minutes trying to play what I was hearing. Eventually managed it and recorded it on the iPhone, before it disappeared. 

The lady of the house, in the meantime, prepared breakfast.  And then got out her list.  And a request for volunteers.

Some of it involved the use of power tools (with skilled operator) and I immediately stepped forward.  There was also some reference to cleaning and washing, but I had the coffee machine going at that point and missed a lot of it.

I had an appointment at a bike shop so while I did that, she emptied the entire contents of her wardrobe into numerous black sacks.  This was intentional and not done in a fit of pique.

On my return from said bike shop, I got to work on her wardrobe with the screwdriver.  It was after this it got a bit silly.  She needed new shelves for the wardrobe and as it came from Ikea I suggested we just pop down there and pick them up.  I checked first that the bits needed were available in the store.  

It was about 1.00pm when we got there.  We ignored the queue of cars waiting to go in.  We're young and free with all the time in the world.  The car park, when we eventually got there was full.  I mean really full.  We drove up and down and round and round and not a single space appeared unto us.  So we shrugged our shoulders with a Gallic "pffff.." and turned for home.  We're not that silly.

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