
By SonofLionel

Mixed Fortunes

Today was the start of the Top 14 Championship in France. As a Stade Rochelais season ticket holder, myself and a couple of friends travelled the 40 minutes to the game in La Rochelle. We won, 28-21 against Grenoble. A shaky, but positive start to the season. At the game, my phone told me that West Ham had been thumped 3-1 by Arsenal. The only positive was that my Fantasy Football Captain and Vice Captain had both scored. So a bit of a mixed bag as far as results go Never mind, it is only the start. The stadium is in a quiet residential area, with very limited parking on match days. The supporters get quite inventive, hence every spare inch of ground has a car parked on it. Even the roundabouts get filled up. Not a traffic warden for miles; they would not be popular at all. Oh, and Mrs SoL texted me to tell me that the fouine was back in the roof space above the guests in the gite. Mmmm.

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