
By Paladian

Anonymous Flying Insect

I haven't a clue what this insect is called, and at this point I don't really care. The reason for this blip is to show off my new toy. We bought me a monopod this morning, and I think I'm in love. The brand is Cullmann from Germany. Very lightweight - perfect for me, with a rubber stopper on the bottom that you can sit on your foot, or on the ground. It folds up to 43 cms, and has 4 levels of leg extension, which means it can go really quite high, and well as very low.

But the best thing is that we bought a Manfrotto head for it, which doesn't seem to have a name but it's a 234RC. This head is absolutely the best I've ever used. Tilts back and forth very easily, and it has a double locking pin, so there's no way the camera can come loose. The plate for the head screws into the base of the camera, and I'm going to leave it on there permanently so it's easy to just pop onto the monopod when I need to.

So easy to use - actually I suppose I should have blipped it, instead of the bug, but the bug was so easy to photograph, I only needed a couple of shots and got this one in really good focus.

(And - this is the first ever image I've shot in RAW and edited in Lightroom - so forgive any deficiencies!!!)

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