
Not only is Casper guarding the house but he's guarding his toys too - he has now failed as Stanley has both toys (poor Casper, he's too soft to be a guard dog)

A couple of hours work may well be followed by a PJ day. Simon has headed to our friends to build the goat shed. I've woke feeling a bit poop - the kind of sniffles that aren't debilitating but I just want to stay warm and in my own home and in my snuggley clothes. I've a few boring house jobs to do that should take half an hour, having a cleaner is money well spent and means I don't spend my weekend cleaning all day, a pile of bits to eBay and a new book to start. Oh and a butternut squash that I need to turn into a soup!

Apart from a dog walk I didn't leave the house could well be the same (maybe we will just get take away rather than out for dinner tonight). Its all mizzly outside so that's a perfect reason to stat in to me! I feel such an antisocial mare sometimes.........but I kinda like having the house to myself with just my boys :)

Have an ace Saturday :)

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