Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

I do like to be beside the seaside......

I so wanted a photo of the pier in Brighton but we whizzed past it to get to the marina so I couldnt get one.

We are just off to check into the hotel tonight befoe we come back down to a new restaurant launch back at the marina. The restaurant is called Coast To Coast and is part of our the same group of restaurants as the one I work for.

We are down here for a meeting tomorrow but our hotel isnt on the seafront as I first thought so my two day trip to Brighton could result in zilch Blips of the pier - bums!!!! We will see.

I am finding I feel really disappointed with all my Blips this week and if I had a report card it would say 'could do better' this weekend, I am determined to not just make do. Yesterday was the only photo I took and today was one of about 20 shots. They are not my style and I feel very annoyed!!!

Maybe plenty of gin tonight will give me the kick up th ebum that I need!!!!

Happy Thursday Y'all we are int he home straight to the weekend :)

Happy Days!

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