Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Going Underground............

Only 1 song for it :)

I am so glad to be home.....this is THE only photo I took - I know it isn't my greatest Blip high :) Welcome to Borough Tube Station

In contrast to yesterday, I had moments of wanting to punch someone in the face today, well maybe not punch them....push them off the 4th floor instead..........either that or stamp my feet

Anyhooooooooooooooo, home to drama with the in-laws tonight, just what you want after another 14 hour day.........

Ok, ok. I promise I am not as grumpy as I sound. I am actually smiling as I type this. I am so glad to be home and I don't need a wash tonight as Stanley has licked my face free of all make-up :)

He he, I am off for a gay old time in Brighton tomorrow for two this space for a Blip of Brighton pier........fingers crossed I get there in daylight so I don't subject you to another crappy night shot :)

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