To the hospital, and it poured with rain, so I was soaked by the time I got there, even with an umbrella.
Jeanie had been refusing all food and drink, but was a lot less agitated than yesterday and the day before. They took her for more x rays, and the porter said she asked for her daughter the whole way, (which is amazing as she doesn't usually know she has had children). She allowed me to feed her her lunch, and so she ate half of her soup and half her fish and potato, and a little yoghurt too. Then she fell asleep quite contented. But she did not understand when they came to try to take a blood sample and so hard as I tried to keep her calm she soon began swearing and lashing out. The nurse didn't manage to get any blood! She said the doctor would have to try, but I decided I would let them manage round two on their own.
My feet were still wet but when I left the hospital it was still pouring so I got a bit wetter. Then the train I caught was mis signalled onto a non electric line and so we sat on the train for over 3 hours instead of 20 minutes. Cold and hungry and in need of the toilet by the time I got home.
Rosie phoned for a chat in the evening and we discussed the days events.

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