Gitama's World

By Gitama

Leaping Larikens

....The dog has springs on his feet.....he can jump really high now and he has the balls of a bull (actually he has been snipped) and really doesn't care about falling down and hurting himself.
He has taken to jumping up on the breakfast bar stools and sitting behind Flynn whilst he is eating his breakfast...or eating  or doing anything really..he likes to be close.
The cat still patiently lies in wait for the pantry door to be left open and everyone is out of the room to attack his packet of buscuits...The freshness of them is severly compromised with claw marks puncturing the bag.

Flynn has taken to making paper airplanes (loads of them) and leaping from furniture to furniture ..(with the dog) after them....its a mad house and I have to say I am really happy to have my computer in my room.....not that closed doors mean much here.

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