Here We Go!!!!!!!!!

Today Mary and I went to Pisgah National Forest.  I am walking down the nice, wide trail while Mary follows me and gets this picture with my camera.  We started our walk at Bridal Falls in McCoy,  Davidson County, NC.  We walked down the steps to get to where the falls made a pool.  It was 95 steps down !   Extra is at the base of the falls.  The rocks were large and fat, perfect for looking around.  Then it was 95 steps back up.........
     Extra 2:  Next we drove to Pisgah and walked down to the  triple falls.  It was a long ways down the trail.  This one was 110 steps down the stairs to get to the pool.  There were actually 3 separate, small falls along the way and so beautiful!
Extra 3: more of triple falls:  Extra 4: peaking through the trees and branches at the falls.
Next, Mary and I  returned to the gravel trail and headed up to the next falls,  named Tall Falls.  Here we walked down a good long ways, We could see part of the falls, and so decided to traverse some rocks, downed trees, crawl under a branch, walk sideways between a tree and a boulder and end up on boulder.  (extra 5).  Mary helped me balance while I went through some pretty rough terrain to get over where i could look up the falls.  Mary kept going and nearly got under the falls, I elected to stay behind.  It was really pretty excited, and I was absolutely  hyped that I had made it so far out, through rough stuff, and back without one fall or slide!  It was awesome!!!!!  (Tall Falls).
   As if all of that wasn't enough, we hiked up to the tall falls, went over to the covered bridge before tall falls and got some pictures.   We then proceeded to Hooker falls, but didn't walk out to it.  We did go to the bridge across the river and looked up to where the trail was leading.

We had a wonderful day!  No blisters, falls, or incidents!  We met and talked with a lot of other hikers.  We sweat a lot because it was hot, but it was fabulous.
AND... I did it!  I made it out and back.  I am ready to go again.  It was an amazing day!

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