If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Herdwick Gimmer

Show day.  The Met Office were telling porkies, for days they had promising Monday would be dry and pleasant.  Wrong!  I awoke to wet windy and dull day.  We were also greeted by the news that there had been several attempted break-ins and a generator stolen  from the site.  Something we have never experienced before in all our many years of working shows.  As we never leave the stand sleeping on site there was no sing of anyone being near our stand.

Fortunately the weather didn't put off the crowds and the field was soon filling up.  In among my duties as tea boy I took time to head down to see the stock.  Sadly Keswick doesn't have cattle lines so it had to be a visit to the sheep.  Well one or two visits actually.  On one of them I came across the press taking shots of the Champion Sheep (any breed).

I was pleased to see it was a young female from our native Herdwick.  I managed to find a gap in the spectators but couldn't avoid the elbow of the press camera man, intruding into the shot.  However I felt the shot should be the blip for the quiet aura of pride emanating from the handler.

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