Suspended in brutally hot air

The weather is oppressively hot. It's very humid with two weather advisory warnings about a high pollen count and poor air quality, no kidding. It  be the same I guess until Friday they predict. The heat is tiresome, but the AC is working overtime to make the inside habitable, unless you ask Raspberry who hates the cold. She's in a sunbeam now on a cozy sheepskin.

The hummingbirds are still zooming around, the bees and wasps greedily sipping their nectar, but the small furry beasties are tucked in their dreys or deep underground. I was out with my camera this morning, but now it's a book, an icy house, and lots of water for me.

For the Record,
This day came in with record breaking heat and humidity.UGH.

All hands amused at Orange is the New Nixon's horror of Google and what comes up when you google Trump News. He was backed into a corner over the horrendous flag issue yesterday, so he has to rage at or about something with his tweets. Sounds like he's more and more out of control, a narcissistic nightmare acting out with the power of his office to threaten the media and now Google. Broad scale conspiracy fantasies.

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