The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


There's a bit of an expectation that on big blip days we should do SPs. So here's one, though I did need a bit of help from the blip consultant in taking the photo of the leap into the reflecting waters. This is, of course, a backblip which fills the last gap in the series of Sicily photographs, and I've been saving it for a special occasion - like today when I celebrate two year's worth of blips (which has actually taken me two years and four months).

It has taken nearly a year to do the 230 blips from the 500th. I nearly gave up during the long Summer evenings when the computer was on go-slow, and I seemed to be spending a large part of my life in front of a flickering screen. I had a few weeks off from blipping (but not from photography), and it made a big difference, I have really enjoyed the last few months, I seem to have found a happier balance of life in and out of blipworld.

I have made all the speeches before, so I shan't say much this time. There are two blippers I do want to acknowledge who were very important to me in the early days, and who, alas, will not be posting any more blips: first was Mike who set me off on this journey and was my first subscriber; and then there was Molly, who had the gift of making us all feel special, and who spotted and encouraged the tiniest vestige of photographic talent in me.

I don't know where to jump next. I do know I don't want to leave here, it's become an integral part of life, and there are so many contacts that I wouldn't want to lose. I need to spend time sorting out the wheat from the chaff in the thousands of photographs I have gathered over 2 years, I also need to get better at photoediting (our whirrlitzer computer has been a disincentive for doing anything but the absolute basics) and I must learn some new photography tricks.

Anyway, a reminder of a couple of blips in the last year: this one of the watching line was the one that got the popular vote. There have been quite a few sunrises and sunsets, but this one was the mother of all sunsets.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the trouble to view, comment, award stars and hearts and subscribe to this journal. Without your support, I would have given up after a month or so. The obligatory thanks to Joe for his vision in creating this extraordinary website, and for his team at blipcentral who keep it running elegantly and seamlessly.

Finally, thanks to Caroline for her support, forbearance and inspiration.

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