The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Second dawn

I had to be in work early this morning, so missed out on the early walk with Gus over the Knott. As I drove towards Crooklands, the sun was just about to crest a bank of cloud, and it was uplighting the cloud above - just time to stop for a shot of the solitary tree and the giant hedgehog (not looking very hedgehoggy).

I'm leaving comments off tonight as I need a bit of time away from the flickering screen. An update on Bob for those who are interested, his appetite is more subdued today which is not such a good sign. We were meant to be going away for a week from this weekend, and much as we could do with a break, we can't leave the little chap at the moment. Thank you to all those who have been rooting for him.

ps A year ago we were in Sicily

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