The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Lot To Get Through

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today I was on day 1 of a very dull training course on the batch scheduling tool we will be using. My manager approached me a couple of months ago to ask if I would be interested as they need to have this knowledge in the team. I explained that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES did I want to be the the only person in my team with this knowledge as I would end up doing batch scheduling all day.

So he booked me on the course anyway and the first I knew about it was when I received an email confirming this!

The course isn’t very good. We don’t have the right access and it lacks structure. The tool is very limited and I suspect the reason that it has been chosen is down to cost.

The dude taking the course told us at least 8 times in the first half an hour they ‘There is a lot to get through on this course’ but then spent the next hour giving us irrelevant information about the history of the company. He also told us that ‘the syntax is so simple that it’s ‘human readable’ which made me laugh.

The best thing about the course is that I was sitting next to PS, an old colleague and friend. We had to suppress a lot of giggling. There was also some really nice banana cake!

2 more days of this to go.


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