The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

It’s Bin Tough

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We are the victims of crime. Our street has become a hotbed of skulduggery. I am scared to walk out of our front door without my fearsome protector, Murphy. It’s almost too difficult to talk about. We have *chokes up and bravely regains composure* had our food recycling bin stolen. Yes, STOLEN. From right under our noses.

One minute I feel like an eco warrior every time I put my apple cores in a little green compostable bag and the next, I feel like I am single-handedly responsible for creating more methane than Murphy on a bad day.

In fact, this is repeated victimisation as it’s the FOURTH ONE IN 3 MONTHS. Is there a black market for food bins? Maybe one of my neighbours has a bin fetish? Can we trust anyone?

I’ll be sure to give you regular updates about this travesty. I know you will be on the edge of your seat.

I’m off to phone victim support.


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