Another day - **yet** another campus

My penultimate Australian University campus. In fact, two campuses, as part of the University of South Australia is right next door, and we wandered through it beforehand. The two institutions are thinking of merging, and since I was in Manchester during a similar merger in the early 2000s, people keep asking me my opinion..... Anyway, this is Adelaide University. I was there for a citizenship workshop with colleagues from a number of local universities. Very good with a wide variety of views amongst the people there, as well as different disciplines and approaches represented. They talked about setting up an ongoing discussion forum at the end, which would be great. The whole thing was all the better for taking place in licensed premises - the staff club - where we enjoyed a small glass of excellent wine. Click through to see more wine than you would likely see at a university in the UK, outside the Oxbridge colleges ;-) Afterwards, we legged it back to the suburbs by taxi and then headed up to Windy Point for dinner. In fact it was windy last night, and by the evening quite cloudy. The evening ended up with another session in the hot tub, which was slightly odd with a bit of light rain coming down. I slept like a baby, having also managed nearly my statutory 10k steps during the day as well. Things are definitely looking up.

Earlier on we popped over to Hahndorf for lunch. A bit twee and touristy, but one thing I did find interesting (but didn't photograph as I had just headed past it to find some toilets and didn't have a camera with me) was the war memorial with lots of German names on the list of names of men who had died - fighting the Third Reich... The name of the town itself changed during the first world war to Ambleside, but was reinstated later.

The food was excellent - I think that's one of the things that Hahndorf is now really known for. Strongly recommend Kitchen 2C.

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