eyes finally open

By cradleyheathen


this morning i was awoken to the sound of the other half in the kitchen who was in a bit of a flap (see what i did there, flap! lol, im hillarious!)

her shouting for me awoke me from my dozing. "there is a chicken in the garden" so i went out into the yard to see for myself, yep. there was!

he had obviously been there all night as he was soaked, i tried to pick him up but he wasnt keen. he had escaped from my neighbours garden, most probably flapped over the fence, but then having got soaked, was too heavy to make it back.

he was soon returned to his home and dried out, but the alarming thing was they only got him the day before! the last critters they bought were ferrets, and guess where they ended up within less than 24 hours? thats right, in my garden! i hope they dont get an elephant!

(sorry the image is blurred around his head, he didnt want to sit still, but he did pose on the log!)

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