Here We Go Again

Mike has decided he needs to level the floor before laying the wood; it will also mean he gets under the beam of the old fireplace without bashing his head so much. Not sure I'll be able to see what's in the pans at the back of the cooker, or reach the shelf above the sink, though.

Bear in mind that we are living in this 3.5 by 6 metre room; the only thing in the barn room next door are the composting toilet and the washing machine, plus storage. 

He is wetting the floor, and the blue on the right is a tarpaulin protecting our bed and my desk, but still, there is a layer of dust on everything. Can you understand why I'm feeling less than thrilled? Most of all, at my seeming inability to be more cheerful about it.

(Am adding an extra of the Roma party below our Land last night, on yesterday's Blip, if you are interested.)

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