Set in stone...

Another hectic day.
An artic load of cattle feed arrived in at 7am . Emptied half of it by the time the staff arrived then left them to it while I went to Kelso to collect my Land Rover . Stopped off to got to the bank and get some sandwiches for lunch time.
Spotted this huge lump of stone sitting in the square . It seems to be engraved with all the local farm names on all 4 sides. Don’t know what the story is. Will need to find out though !
Back home in time to go and bale more wheat straw down in bandit country. Got 2 trailers carting then I came home and got a third one once I had baled everything that was ready.
The next 3 fields back onto the scheme so will need to be battle ready tomorrow, especially as all the little cherubs get a half day on Friday.

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