
By NellieD

Blipping time warp!

I was in desperate need of some chocolate or a biscuit today so headed out at lunch in search of something sweet and crunchy.

The flowers around the University seemed to be a hive of activity so I thought I may as well see if I could get a nice blip of a bee whilst I was out. Forty five minutes later I realised the time and had to head back to the office, without my chocolate :(

Blipping is a like a time warp sometimes!  

The flowers were right outside the entrance to the Manchester Museum and a young girl came over to ask what I was doing. I'm always dubious about talking to kids as you don't want to go against what their parents have taught them about strangers but she kept running back to her mum and asking if she could go back to see the 'lady and the bees'!

She asked to see my photos and was amazed that she could see the pollen sacs on it's legs. She thought it was a wasp but I tried to explain that there's lots of types of bees and they all look a bit different. She then brought her brother along because it was 'really, really interesting' but he was a bit scared he'd get stung - big sister's do like to scare their little brother's with stories of painful stingers!

Unfortunately, all the technical questions started about how they make honey, why do they buzz, why is the pollen orange when the bee was also on red and purple flowers!.  Ermm ... 

I did have a little 'bee' google when I got back to the office and didn't know that when a pollen sac is full, it can bulge with upwards of one million grains of pollen! I'm going to have a few bee facts under my belt for the next inquisitive person.

I decided today's quote would be about learning something new everyday and as I was searching for a quote, I saw that "the wedding ring goes on the left ring finger because it is the only finger with a vein that connects to the heart".  

That's two new things I've learnt today :)

Quote for today:
The capacity to learn is a gift.
The ability to learn is a skill.
The willingness to learn is a choice.
- Brian Herbert

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