Went to the football this afternoon. Ticket didn't arrive in the post so I had to phone the Box Office who issued a duplicate for me to pick up before the match. Was in my seat for about 5 mins when a young Aussie lad asked if I wouldn't mind changing seats with his mate. They hadn't been able to buy seats next to each other. So I moved two rows back so they could watch the match together.

The match...... well we lost - at home - AGAIN. Newcastle have only won one match in the last 7. After the second Swansea goal went in a lot of the crowd just upped and left. Disgruntled doesn't really cover it.

Before the match I bought another gift for Becky from her Christmas list. Beer Bottles. She loved them when she was a child - it seemed a bit naughty to have beer flavoured sweets I think. She still asks for some every Christmas. Seems like they don't sell them in London... or if they do she hasn't discovered where. I get them from a pick and mix sweet stall in the Grainger market. Thought I had better get them today as sometimes when I go they don't have them in stock.

Neil played rugby this afternoon. They lost again. Neil is crocked. His back hurts, he has a gash on his leg, his hand hurts, he has a bruised face and he can hardly walk. So he has had a warm bath and taken to his bed. If he wants anything he sends me a message on Facebook. The wonders of social networking.

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