Garden is looking a bit dull at the moment but this flowering shrub - no idea of its name - is putting on a brave show.

Was hoping for a quiet morning but the doorbell and phone kept ringing. Had a parcel delivery - for Number 11 across the road. Had another parcel delivery for me - cat litter and a few other bits and pieces for the kitties. Another parcel delivery for me - something that they forgotten to put in with the cat litter parcel. Doorbell went and it was Number 11 wanting their parcel. In between the parcels the phone rang three times. I didn't know whether I was coming or going.

Thankfully this afternoon was nice and quiet Even the cats settled down for a long nap. I made some more cheese scones - delicious eaten hot and buttered straight from the oven. Neil doesn't like cheese scones so unfortunately I will have to eat them all myself.

Yesterday I was one of the people who got an e mail from Boots to say I had WON A HOLIDAY TO BARCELONA. Then I got an email saying it was a mistake and I hadn't won. Then I got an e mail apologising for the disappointment and saying I would get £10 worth of points put on my Boots card. Good job I didn't get too excited by the first e mail - I had a feeling it didn't seem quite right. Oh well maybe next time.

Tomorrow I am at the football. Newcastle play Swansea. Haven't actually got my ticket yet - bought it online ages ago but it hasn't come yet. Hope it arrives tomorrow. Also hope that 1) Newcastle play well and 2) they WIN.

Box update - Neil was sort of expecting another 26 boxes as he had been told they were en route but they didn't come today. So we still only have 7 cluttering up the place.

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