Clean Slate

By cleanslate

IWM North

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We had family visiting and I got a little behind..

Tried to get out and about as much as poss to ease the “too many people in the house” anxiety that I No.2 son suffers from..

This was the Imperial War Museum, which I didn’t get to explore as much as I wanted to (obviously with no.2 son in tow!) but what I saw, really made an impression. It’s a very thought provoking space, beautifully designed. No.2 son engaged well with it on his own level, walking around, absorbing, interacting a little and a sweet little girl introduced herself and showed him how to use the camouflage cloaks, which he responded really well to. A win, I thought. No.1 son was a bit more unsure, being of a morbid bent anyway, it’s not always good to get him Thinking About Things...

But there was costa coffee afterwards and we saw Adrian Chiles, just drinking a coffee with people, just like it was a totally normal thing to do :-D Bonkers ;-)

And the antiques roadshow was being filmed, which was fun, or at least, it amused me trying to describe it to the kids, who appeared incapable of understanding why it would be a good TV show :-D

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