Global decay

I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth.

The day starts with the exchange of five sheets of bituboard for £30 cash. It continues with the dismantling of two tents before the drizzle. Picking blueberries for breakfast pancakes follows. And the morning culminates with the “fixing” of the lawnmower - which was just clogged with dried grass.

Armed with a shopping list, Megan and I head for Peebles. The local Highland Games is in full swing, but we negotiate he hordes and achieve our goals. I even remember to get Mike a bottle of whisky for doing the shearing. Which is just as well, because he then texts me to say that he’ll be up later to fix the track.

I roast a tray of veg for lunch. Nick and Noel rock up as we’re finishing, to dismantle and remove yurt #3. Their mother, Catriona, is not doing well. They’re prepared for the worst.

The track is as smooth as it ever is. Mike has demonstrated his new JCB attachment - a wood screw that splits the most intractable logs, stumps, trunks. The yurt is packed away. All is quiet.

Claire prepares blackened cod tacos. We watch the rest of Edge Of Darkness. It never fails to entertain.

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