Draughtsman's Contract?

Phew, just back from an action-packed few days with my brother in very sunny Cheshire. I went over to see Playhouse Creatures which my brother has designed and directed - a pretty good review of it here. He just loved being described as a serial creative!! The play, which I saw twice, was performed in a tiny theatre, 50 seater, with a cast of 5 women, each one outstanding  - it was a real shock to see them as themselves in the bar afterwards! And how fine they all looked in their corsets, pantaloons and hairnets! Read the review for the gist! Funny, poignant and of course beautifully styled by the brother!
We also managed to fit in a visit to Altrincham Market ( fab foodiness), a long and delicious swim/sauna/steam in the local gym (so hardened by Irish water I managed to leap into the freezing plunge pool post sauna no problem); meet a famous pantomime dame, chat with a  former Mr Gay UK, discover a heathland behind the busy main road (so many dogs!) and visit this extraordinary house just a few miles from Manchester airport - Arley Hall. It was 23C, the gardens were incredible, the food delicious and a tasteful wedding was just starting so ideal for people watching. And so Draughtsman's Contract!
All calm brutally shattered by Manchester airport where it proved impossible to park, where I had the thorough search going through customs, gawped in amazement at the party heading to Ibiza (one and a half hours drinking time yet, shall we have brandy - this was at 3pm) and then a poor toddler got beside herself on the plane and roared all the way across the Irish Sea. I sympathised. 

Draughtsman's Contract - some of the best music ever and Barry used it in the play too. All connected.

Breakfast on the turret
Lord Marcus

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