Honeysuckle Berries

They look delicious but are apparently poisonous, though not hugely so unless you really eat a lot. They seem to glow in the late afternoon sun and are semitransparent, showing the seeds inside.
Another day of gorgeous weather, warm enough to dry the undergrowth that was very wet after a relatively cold starlit night. Not quite frosty, but getting close!
We sat outside for breakfast with our visitors, Roger and Livia. Breakfast extended itself as we sat in the sun and chatted, more coffee was made, more chat was had. Just as we thought about putting away the food Anders turned up on his new electric bike. More coffee was made and the talk continued as Roger is also a very keen cyclist. Neither Anders nor Roger would think twice about cycling 100 km (and not on electric bikes) and of course they have lots of mutual aquaintances.
I tried out the bike and will be down the shops tomorrow to order one - I was impressed by the versatality and they way it handled the gravel and tarmac roads. Anders assures me it is also good on forest tracks. I was most impressed by how easily I cycled up the rather steep hill leading to our house.  It is not cheap but seemed worth the price.
Once everyone had gone home I cut the grass. I thought I'd just do a bit, but once I got going I did about two thirds of our grass, which takes around two hours. At this time of year you have to grab the chance if the grass dries. It may be the last time I cut that grass before winter!

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