Endurance Ride (Day 1215)

There was a quick turn around after the morning woofer wander as my beautiful wife and I headed to the riding stables which was the start point for an endurance ride which HV was taking part in this morning.
I was given a clipboard and pen, a high viz vest and a map and sent off to be marshal at one of the checkpoints. 
There was a fair old wait for the first two to come through, number one being Margaret and two being HV. I opened the gate and watched them disappear off down to Swanbister (see extra), then hung around for the rest of the riders to show up. 45 minutes later, HV and Margaret re-appeared, on the return leg, with no other riders having been seen by me. It turns out that they all gave up on a difficult section which HV and Margaret had managed to plough on through.
Having been told to expect no other riders, I cleared all the markers away from my checkpoint and headed back to the stables to hand in paperwork and the high viz jacket. 
I popped home for lunch, then back to the stables to collect HV, before we took the dogs off to Aikerness for a wander in the sunshine.
Later, once HV had zoomed off to work, I set about exterminating the annoying squeal from the brakes on my mountain bike. 

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