
In a little over an hour and a half it will be getting dark and I have nothing much to account for in the fast disappearing day; and not only that, but I, a self appointed refusnik on flower blips, have fallen for the charms of this clump of what I think is Feverfew but may very well be something completely different given my lack of botanical knowledge.

It stood out so bravely from its humble environs of wet cobbles, gutters full of sodden decaying leaves and garage doors of rotting wood that I decided to give it a moment of glory.

It is classed as a weed, but is beautiful in itself and oh so tenacious in a place where the most expensive of plants would have withered and died long ago. There's a human analogy in that scenario, I'm sure.

His Lordship has elected to make the supper tonight, which leaves me free to worry about Christmas card and presents lists.
He of course, as a man, has next to no input into such worries- Christmas preparations are very much the woman's concern, at least in the Dower House..

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