
I'm ever so restless today despite having a study deadline. Went for Sunday lunch at a local pub and although it saved time cooking the amount of food I got was not great...I actually left feeling I may be feeling a bit hungry again in less than an hour.

I took this picture of one of several framed country life magazine covers on the wall interior design fail if you ask me. I have never bought country life...I'm not sure I'd enjoy it, it doesn't look very exciting or interesting to be honest. I felt a bit bad about finding what looks like a cross-eyed Doberman amusing. I have only ever owned one dog which was truly mine and she was a Doberman so I have a soft spot for them. I wondered if this cover star was friends with the bird because it looks a bit feisty and overly confident and maybe the Doberman sees two of them all the time....and has calculated it will get a quieter life if it pretends to be friends with them :-)

I think I'm going to wash the windows and some of the paintwork on the veranda for a bit of exercise and then I should be ok to settle back to study. I am hoping to make ginger syllabub later on this evening. I think it is dead quick to make but I really don't have a clue what I'm doing.....www to the rescue I guess. Hope you are all having a productive weekend :-)

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