Comfort Zone

Dogs! They know how to life.
It includes a lot of relaxing. 
Omo is hanging around in / out of his dog bed. 
Obviously it is comfortable...for a dog  :-)

Thank you Ellaphant for hosting Mono Monday in September :-)

Now I backblipped almost a week. I was too busy with the creating of T.'s  new speaking app.

So today was her first day and she came home very happy.
The app worked and was helpfull. Phew! :-)
It was my first free day after 11 weeks permanent caring for T. (excluding 11 days of her travel with the youth group). I had a giant to-do-list, BUT M. had returned home after months of working in Worms and before he will leave again to continue to study in Gießen in Oktober.
We had a very relaxing chat all day long. 
He is fallen in love and it was a pleasure to hear him narrate about H. :-))
Than a happy T. returned - another chat and some more work on the app.
On Thuesday, R. will come home for some days, too.
Hey, a full house, that's some time.
That's why I expect to make my entry for TT on Wednesday. I hope I manage to get my hearts for TiPS24 finally sorted. Sorry for my delay!!!
The tag for Tiny People Sunday/ month  in the whole September is TiPS25 or TiPSSeptember18. 
You can make as many entries as you like. I'm looking forward to many creative enties of the adventures of all sorts of tiny figures. Have fun!

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